The Path

Common flowers basked in a glorious ray of sunlight, revealing an image of true beauty.

Yet such sight could easily be missed even by those who share the very same Path!

I shall not despair for this signifies the wonderment of perspective given to everyone of us.

Indeed, isn't the greatest gift given to us our free-will to choose our own paths and discover our own definition of beauty? 

Celebrate this magnificent gift and live joyously knowing the perfection of the Great Plan.

Live not in fear for every meandering path we choose is accompanied by nothing but utter beauty, waiting patiently for our discovery.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life".

Yet to walk his way and not see the beauty along The Path would be meaningless!

Let those who have eyes see and those who have ears listen.

For the discovery of one's own beauty is heavenly.